Glad to hear it all went so smoothly.
Chuck Norcutt
Jim Nichols wrote:
> I would like to thank all of those who contributed advice and their
> own experiences to aid me in my selection of an external enclosure
> and HDD. Yesterday, I received from Newegg a Rosewill fan-cooled
> enclosure and a WD 750GB Caviar Black SATA drive. After assembling,
> formatting, and installing all the hardware, I now have a very nice
> expansion to my desktop system.
> I encountered only two frustrations in going through this process.
> The first, which I vaguely recalled from a year or so earlier, was
> the instruction to "right click" on the box showing the unallocated
> drive, to bring up the wizard for formatting the drive. I kept
> clicking on the large box on the right, which brought up a pop-up to
> click on, but nothing happened. I finally found some old notes which
> told me to "right click" on the small box on the left, which brings
> up a pop-up which allows you to initiate the wizard. I mention this
> in case anyone else encounters it.
> The second problem involved removing the filler strip in the back of
> the Dell case, in order to install the SATA to eSATA adapter. The
> retaining screw must have been installed by King Kong using an impact
> wrench. No screwdriver or socket wrench would turn it. I finally
> resorted to a set of precision end-wrenches and was able to apply
> enough torque to remove it.
> I also followed the advice given me to connect via eSATA rather than
> USB2.0. Except for the problem removing the screw, this modification
> was very easy to accomplish.
> Thanks, once again, for all of the help.
> Jim Nichols Tullahoma, TN USA
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