Nice catch! Even with very good eyes, shooting moving insects is not easy
especially with manual lens stop down.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Norcutt" <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> <>
> The light was nice today after it finally stopped raining. Amazingly
> these shots had to be adjusted up by almost 2 stops after I discovered
> that the camera and incident meter were a long ways apart on ISO :-) I
> deliberately set the meter and forgot to set the camera. I'm surprised
> that they held together as well as they did with such a large exposure
> adjustment.
> Hand held, Canon 5D, Zuiko 50/3.5 macro at f/11.
> They're not all in perfect focus but I've discovered I can use MF lenses
> more easily now that my cataracts are gone. I think these are the first
> macro shots I've tried since the eye surgery about a year ago. I guess
> the eyes are working better than the memory.
> Chuck Norcutt
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: