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Re: [OM] IMG: my first visit to Scotland

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: my first visit to Scotland
From: Donald <d1956m198d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2010 14:57:07 +0100
Chris Barker wrote:
> Oh, I think that they did, Donald.  Portcullis House was a similar picture of 
> overrun, as I recall, and many complained at that.  Although that isn't a 
> Parliament, it's offices for MPs and their staff.
> I don't challenge the need to spend appropriately on such an important 
> building, a parliament (given, of course, that you have agreed the necessity 
> for a separate body like that ...), but it was well over the original, large, 
> budget.
> Chris

Whoever it was for, its overrun was a disgrace, and space was, or could 
have been made available, elsewhere.

Holyrood's original cost 'estimate' was 40 million, which was a Labour 
joke. A new building was a Labour joke. One was already available, but 
ruled out as a nationalist 'shibboleth'. A realistic estimate, given 
site clearance and its location, would have been in the 300-350 million 
bracket. Add it post-911 modifications and the overrun wasn't excessive.

I'm getting used to it, given some of the other sh*t that's gone up in 
Edinburgh and Glasgow of late, it's not too bad.

But I get slightly militant about the money sink that is London...


I'm a Mac, but I'm happy with my PC.

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