Question: Why does the mirror need to drop? I can see the need for
that if the camera is in some auto exposure mode. Since the
photosensors are in the prism area it needs to drop the mirror to make a
measurement before the exposure. However, if it's in manual mode
dropping the mirror seem unnecessary. How come?
Chuck Norcutt
Ian Nichols wrote:
> On 29 June 2010 14:59, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Since autofocus cameras aren't exactly known for easy manual focusing in
>> a conventional view finder I considered that good live view might be a
>> strong requirement.
>> That leads me to perhaps the oldest E-thingy sporting good, full time
>> live view for easy focusing.
>> I know the E-330 is the first body to offer live view but is the E-420
>> the first body to offer full time live view? By that I mean that the
>> camera can be used for composition, focusing and shooting with the
>> mirror up all the time as in a P&S camera. No need to flip the mirror
>> up and down for focusing vs. shooting as in the E-330?
> AFAIK, all Oly DSLRs (all DSLRs if it comes to that) need to get the
> mirror out of the way for live view, and AFAIK all the Oly ones will
> drop the mirror then lift it again when you press the shutter release.
> Certainly the E-3 does both of those, even in manual focus mode. Not
> sure what E-330 prices are like these days, but I suspect something
> like an E-510 might be had for the same or maybe even less. Add a 35
> f/3.5 macro lens to complete the budget macro package.
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