Tractor man is near San Antonio. My fear of rattlesnakes is stepping on
one in heavy brush which is what this field has this time of year. I watch
for them, however the 8 & 10 year old grandsons have not yet developed
those skills. Where we live is primarily rolling hills of limestone with
cactus, cedar, deer, turkey, raccoons and a few snakes. Having grown up
trecking through these woods, let me pick 10 places where you might find a
snake or copperhead and chances are pretty good you will find one. When
it is cold, tractor man's place doesn't concern me, however this time of
year, with the wet creek, pond, brush and junk he has around his place I'm
betting there are rattlesnakes. Where I live we have mostly cedars (actually
junipers) and some hardwoods. The oak leaves on the ground is perfect
camouflage for either a rattler or copperhead. There is a creek that runs
through a good part of San Marcos, which is where I grew up, and after a good
rain, the copperheads could sometimes be found in the bushes where they had
gone to get away from the water. A friend of mine had sheep on a little
place he had on the creek and as young and foolish teenagers, we went there a
couple of time to catch the copperheads that were causing him a problem
with his sheep. Guess it was better than drugs and fortunately none of us
ever got bitten. Bill Barber
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