Someone, and I wish I could remember who, said that eventually,
enemies who faced each other on the battlefield have more in common
with one another than with the younger people in their own cultures. I
know that as someone who spent his 365 days in the former Republic of
Vietnam, I bear no ill-will or residual bad feelings whatsoever toward
Vietnam or the Vietnamese people. In fact, I feel a particular and
perhaps peculiar warmth toward that country and its people, including
those who tried to kill me, and whom I tried to kill. (Chris, did I
get that who/whom thing right?) Given the choice between buying
something made in China, and something made in Vietnam, I'll pick
Vietnam every time, and happily so.
Besides, recently I saw a picture of a group of young people in Hanoi
doing very Western things in very Western dress in front of a store
called The Gap. (And it wasn't named for old General Giap, either.
<g>) So while we may have lost the battle, I believe--sadly--we won
the war.
--Bob "Old Spook" Whitmire
On May 27, 2010, at 1:03 AM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:
> Just read the caption:
> Nathan
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: