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[OM] A 5D Mk II all tricked out for video

Subject: [OM] A 5D Mk II all tricked out for video
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 22:42:06 -0400
Video AG says:
Let's count the items which are required because Canon failed to provide
minimum-equipment capabilities?

Failure to support SMPTE time-code is probably the biggest failing and you
thought the eye-viewing thingamabob was bad.

I am aware of hacked software that fixes some of the issues --no reports of any 
bricked cams, but as they say in the video...
if it breaks, ya get to keep both pieces.  :-)  Perhaps the recent firmware 
update is a bit better too with at least a live histo while "filming."

Oh, and a dead cat is what you get if you let one outside in our parts due to 
coyotes, and I think it is a dead kitten  Windmuff on the mic.


A not letting my 17 year old cat out Mike

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