On 5/19/2010 4:11 PM, John Hudson wrote:
> Take time out and enjoy the Oregon coastline ............ the 8th wonder of
> the natural world.
Well, that's what I think of the Calif. coast most of the way from Morro
Bay to Mendocino/Ft. Bragg*, so I guess I gotta check out the Oregon
version. :-) It is on the short list of places to go in the Turtle.
What's the weather situation there in the summer? We mostly avoid our
No. coast in summer, as it's foggy more often than not. Noting much more
fun than creeping along a highway in an endless stream of vehicles in
fog so thick you seldom see the ocean and with a 30 mph, 50 degF. wind
blowing. Spring is best, for the wildflowers, fall, like spring, for the
lack of crowds and winter between storms, and especially just after, for
spectacular crashing water.
The weather is often better in the dead of winter between storms than in
the heart of summer. Not that there aren't wonderful,sunny summer days,
but not all that many and impossible to predict more than maybe a day in
advance. One of the beauties of not being on a regular, fixed schedule
is the ability to just drop everything and zip our to Pt. Reyes NS for
the day.
* North of there, the coastline is generally not as spectacular, but one
enters the country of the really big redwoods, which are definitely
worth a visit. We live where there are redwoods and nice redwood parks,
including some virgin groves, but the ones on the north coast are at
another level. It's not just that the trees are bigger, but something
about the forest, too. More awe inspiring and cathedral like in
spiritual feeling than any cathedral I've visited.
> jh
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrew Fildes"<afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Olympus Camera Discussion"<olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [OM] Extensive Mt. St. Helens pictures from the Boston Globe
>> Actually all that got me doing was looking at the map and thinking it
>> might be very nice one day to drive all the way up 101 from SanFran to
>> Seattle. That looks like an amazing coastline.
>> Andrew Fildes
>> afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> On 19/05/2010, at 1:05 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>>> Actually, his name is David Johnston (with a "t"). Johnston Ridge and
>>> the Johnston Ridge Observatory are named after him. My shot here was
>>> taken from Johnston Ridge
>>> <http://www.chucknorcutt.com/Mt%20St%20Helens/pano%208563-8565lce%20c3x2.htm
>>> The pyroclastic flow blew out the top of the mountain which rushed
>>> down
>>> into the valley and then back up and over the top of the ridge, a
>>> distance of about 5 miles. You can see the explosion and flow pattern
>>> here. If you were on Johnston Ridge that morning you died.
>>> <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Johnston+Ridge+Observatory,+Toutle,+WA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.534108,57.304687&ie=UTF8&hq=Johnston+Ridge+Observatory,&hnear=Toutle,+WA&ll=46.266766,-122.290192&spn=0.235441,0.447693&t=h&z=11
>> --
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