Friday evening I was prepping my gear for a senior portrait shoot the next
morning when I grabbed my polarizer in case I needed to kill off some lumens
for DoF purposes. (good call)
Anyway, my issue with filters is that they get so gunky. This one was no
exception. It was hazy, streaked and generally just yucky. So I took a lens
tissue to it and breathed on it a few times. Nada. Well, Karen volunteers
to grab cleaning fluid. As most of the household wears corrective lenses of
one form or another, I was prepared for a little bottle of cleaning fluid.
But no......
Before I realized it (I was turned looking the other direction while holding
onto the filter) she proceeded to drown the poor filter with at least three
shots of "Windex" window cleaner. It was dripping the green stuff and
flowing down my arm. It took me a half dozen sheets of tissue to get it all
absorbed and cleaned up, but man-alive, that filter is better than new!
She asked if there was anything else needing cleaning, which I answered very
quickly "NO!!!!!!"
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: