Google "CombineZ" for the free stuff. There is also a commercial app
but I've forgotten its name.
Chuck Norcutt
Moose wrote:
> On 4/9/2010 4:17 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
>> Moose,
>> The thing that confounds me, with macro lenses, and I should have expected
>> this from the start, is that as one moves in closer to the subject, the DOF
>> decreases to a ridiculous point.
> It's just "do the math" physics. There are some new and very different
> imaging concepts being worked on that may change DOF possibilities, but
> as long as we stick to simple refraction based lenses, the rules are fixed.
>> My Leica Elmarit-R 60/2.8 Macro lens requires stopping down to a minimum
>> opening in order to get the full subject in focus. I'm sure this is fine
>> for flat subjects, but just doesn't work out for me, particularly with
>> flowers.
> One relatively recent change is DOF stacking software. You take a series
> of shots with the plane of focus moved in small increments. The software
> merges the sharp parts. I've been meaning to try that, but have by now
> forgotten the names of the apps. I do have a handful of sets of images
> that may work.
> I think one trick is to use a focusing rail, rather than refocusing the
> lens. That way, he in focus part of each 'slice' is the same
> magnification, so there is less size matching for the software to do.
> Moose
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