It's an old camera, in relative terms, but my Oly c5050z once did some
very weird things to a closeup violet picture. Everything smudged up
into one lurid shade, sharp at the edge, little detail in the thick,
oil-paint smear of petal. It could have been a one-off, or it's just
that I never took a photo of that shade or flower again, but that's
the only time I recall a colour-related issue with any digital camera.
Then again, my approach to colour is more by feel than precision, and
my "feel" remains subjectively calibrated to broad parameters with
limited priority.
Marc (partial colourblindness doesn't help...or perhaps it does ;) )
On Saturday, April 10, 2010, Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Moose,
> My E-1 loves violets. I have posted this link previously. It shows a mix
> of conventional wild violets, along with the grey ones that, where we grew
> up in Mississippi, were called Confederate Violets.
> Jim Nichols
> Tullahoma, TN USA
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: