Very nice. I'll bet it makes a superb large print. How did you
determine the exposure?
Chuck Norcutt
Michael Wong wrote:
> Recently, seldom to talk with you for a moment since I am busy for my
> evening course & work. And, I have dropped my Leica system & switch to a new
> large format system (The preliminary one set was sold too). Unexpected
> equipments are bought for the large format system, such as a bigger camera
> bag, a new scanner for 4x5 film scanning. I have re-scanned my 4x5 pictures
> by new scanner instead of old files by my Canon 8800F.
> Taken by Schneider Super Angulon 90mm F8 MC (the lens was sold), Fujifilm
> Provia 100F, F22, 22 sec, scanned by Epson V700 with IT8 Target ICC profile,
> resized by PS CS3
> ---
> Michael
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: