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Re: [OM] S-OT Torches, flashlights, LCDs & batteries

Subject: Re: [OM] S-OT Torches, flashlights, LCDs & batteries
From: Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 09:59:42 -0800
> Why is a boat a money pit and why are you happy to sell it? I have an
> aluminum rowboat that's a lot of fun. Its never cost me anything but the
> yearly registration/license fee the state makes me pay. My grandpa gave me
> the boat, he bought it new 40 years ago!
Ditto. i once had a wooden boat into which I put ~10 hours labor for 
each hour of cruising. Plus all the $$$. Now I have an aluminum 
square-ender canoe which sits on saw horses, no moorage fees, until I 
wish to go out. Then I simply put it up on my truck and haul it to the 
beach and launch for free. It has two sets of oar locks or I can use my 
little 6hp Evinrude or I can sail it.

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