I don't feel we are disagreeing or having opposite thoughts.
First, I must admit two facts: yesterday my English writing brain
performed poorly so I couldn't think - write an idea in
'statu-nascendi'. Second, I must admit I still like very much the
National Geographic '70s ~ '80s photographic style.
I had no intention to set bars, either high or low. Shall try to
explain myself better.
Each one of us is able to picture what's in each one's neighborhood.
My neighborhood might be nicer than yours, in reference to particular
Let's call these, 'locations'.
My point is that, given a _natural_ location: the nicer it is, the
more demanding on photographic skills for the photographer.
OTOH, if you're in a not-so-nice natural location the photographer
would need lots of creativity and imagination, and if he's a skilled
one, the better for him.
Shall put an example of my own, thanks to Wayne who encouraged me to
show this one here.
I think I was 24 (a skilled 24-year-old photographer?), and it was
wholly done in my bedroom (natural location? - if I were a National
Geographic photographer I doubt I could have imagined this project).
I think, now, that I needed some imagination and a little bit of creativity ...
This one is 'in memoriam' to Milton, a very dear friend of mine.
<http://www.flickr.com/photos/fernando_gonzalez_gentile/2985839501/> - small.
- large
mmmmm - I'd better improve the post processing artifacts, most
noticeable on the 1280 wide. Should I care?
2010/3/6 Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> But Fernando, you are setting the bar too
> high. I have a lot of excuses :-)
>> But when in Iowa, you shoot what's in Iowa.
> This pretty much sums it up. I should use it for a signature line
> Mike
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