> A big mystery for me is why light switches in Canada [and maybe in the US]
> flip up for on and down for off whereas in the UK it's up for off and down
> for on.
Yes, this has always mystified me about UK switches. I think it's because
they wanted to do it opposite of how the French did it.
Reminds me. When the first audio mixers with linear faders were being built
in the UK, the decision had to be made whether to make the faders go up for
higher, down for lower or vis-versa. The BBC opted for down is higher, up is
lower while the rest of the world did it the correct way. The reasoning as
explained to me is as follows--and this is no joke:
In case the board operator should fall asleep on his shift he leans forward
onto the mixer thereby pushing the faders to the up position. It is better
to have silence than to have inadvertant audio going out onto the air.
And this is why the world fears the Royal Navy.
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