> Very nice Image, Ken. I like the composition, and the
> interesting rendition of the out-of-focus background
> in the reflection - simultaneously "mottled" but
> also smooth.
Thank you, Dawid.
> Your analogue print would probably look really good with a touch
> of sepia toning in the highlights (i.e. bleaching it literally for a
> couple of seconds before leaving it in the toner).
Ooo. I like it. Very interesting idea. That would put tone in the print
where the sun is so it isn't just a hole in the image. However, I haven't
been one for toning. That's a skill-set I haven't attained.
> Now, if you could only show us the "real thing" (scan of the analogue
> print!)
It'll happen. Just give me a chance to catch up. I've been road-tripping for
work the last couple of weeks.
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