jrockman wrote:
> And maybe the bottle is a lot older than 25yrs old. Actually the whiskey
> may have started it's life as much as 100 years ago if the label is
> authentic since it says:Purveyors to his Majesty King George V and her
> Majesty Queen Alexandra" . Chivas is not bottled in a green bottle any
> more as far as I can figure out, so this a real old bottle of whiskey,
> or a convincing fake. It does have a cork with a lead sealing cap. Go to
> Yours,
> John Ockman
Not an expert, John, but I'll give you my bawbee's worth.
Well, if it says 'whiskey' on the label, it's a fake! ;-)
But seriously, have it valued. Maybe someone knowledgable can give you a
figure from photos. All the labels, all marked areas of the bottle and
seal, including base, and overall pics of the package.
Chivas is not to be sneezed at. I'm no malt snob, though I do make a
'toddy' for a cold from Grouse. If the stuff is not valuable, and the
contents clear, filter it into a decanter and give it a try. Its alcohol
content should protect it for a very long time, cork won't bother it
unless it had some cooties on it when inserted that survived the high
alcohol atmosphere in the bottle. Those that did would probaby fog the
liquid, so that's a check.
Oldest I ever drank was a mere ten-year-old that lay unopened for
thirty-five years or so. It was rough, but then it was hooch. ;-)
I'm a Mac, but I'm happy with my PC.
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