Once had an EOS 630 (600)from around 1990 - very accurate metering.
So much so that I used to use it as a spot meter when shooting 6x9
with a Mamiya Press!
Cheaper than a Pentax spot meter and it shot backups too.
Andrew Fildes
On 19/02/2010, at 10:00 AM, Moose wrote:
>> Shoot, back in the '70s Canon discovered that it could stay with
>> the worst-possible metering system (sensors in the prism housing
>> directly above the eyepiece) and just add exposure modes--oh and
>> stick it all in a chrome-plated plastic body.
> I don't know much about that. I skipped the whole era of AF film
> cameras, going from OM to 300D, a cheap, chrome-plated, plastic body.
> And yet, as a practical matter, the exposure system in that body and
> the
> later 5D has turned out to be quite reliable for me. So the 300D body
> was cheap to make, so what? I never had a single problem with it and
> it
> took lots of quite good images. I guess I really am stupid, but if it
> works, I don't complain.
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