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Re: [OM] Aches and pains [was Light DZ telephoto zoom]

Subject: Re: [OM] Aches and pains [was Light DZ telephoto zoom]
From: Willie Wonka <alienspecimen@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 07:37:11 -0800 (PST)
I am sure your chiropractor is lovely, Chris, but your statement makes me 
question her credentials.
I would shy away from anyone who advises against excercise.  I know that I am 
oversimplifying here, but the better approach would be to identify the 
supporting muscle groups and start excercising them.
My advise is to find medical practicioner who knows how to condition muscles 
through yoga.  Yoga isnt the answer to everything, but tons of folk have got 
rid of chronic pains and aches through incorporating it into their daily 
excercise routine.
Thanks for all your thoughts and recommendations, Moose.

Over 4 sessions, the chiropractor has mentioned most of your observations 
regarding assymetry in posture, such as with the book.  I feel the tightness, 
now, if I hold a bad posture for only a short time.  

But my chiro was referring mostly to my posture in the aircraft.  For instance, 
because I fly with my left hand on the control column in this little machine, I 
put more stress on that arm when flying aerobatics, particularly in rolls.

In addition, I now know that I must not carry a heavy bag unless it is balanced 

I envy you your weekly massage ...


On 18 Feb 2010, at 05:55, Moose wrote:

>> My chiropractor (also a lovely one ...) has advised me to avoid exercise for 
>> the moment, while she smooths the knots in the muscles around my back.  
>> However, I have some exercise classes booked with her at the end of the 
>> month.
> I'd like to add my few cents worth. A few years ago, I was having 
> chronic problems with my left hand, pain, numbness, and with tightness 
> and pain down the left side of my back. It drove my massage therapists a 
> bit batty, as they didn't know the cause and could only give temporary 
> relief.
> One day, I was happily sitting reading in my little pool of light in the 
> night when I noticed how I was holding the paperback. I was using the 
> left hand by itself to both hold the book up and hold it open with a 
> slightly awkward and tense use of the fingers - for hours at a time. Doh!
> I took to holding my books quite differently, alternating hands, using 
> both hands, changing my position, etc. All the problems went away

> I used to get a massage once a week. Now I'm amazingly lucky to live 
> with a great massage therapist and get one every week. Aaaaaaahhh. I 
> beleive it has a profound positive effect on my health.
> A. Relaxed Moose

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