Thanks for all your thoughts and recommendations, Moose.
Over 4 sessions, the chiropractor has mentioned most of your observations
regarding assymetry in posture, such as with the book. I feel the tightness,
now, if I hold a bad posture for only a short time.
But my chiro was referring mostly to my posture in the aircraft. For instance,
because I fly with my left hand on the control column in this little machine, I
put more stress on that arm when flying aerobatics, particularly in rolls.
In addition, I now know that I must not carry a heavy bag unless it is balanced
I envy you your weekly massage ...
On 18 Feb 2010, at 05:55, Moose wrote:
>> My chiropractor (also a lovely one ...) has advised me to avoid exercise for
>> the moment, while she smooths the knots in the muscles around my back.
>> However, I have some exercise classes booked with her at the end of the
>> month.
> I'd like to add my few cents worth. A few years ago, I was having
> chronic problems with my left hand, pain, numbness, and with tightness
> and pain down the left side of my back. It drove my massage therapists a
> bit batty, as they didn't know the cause and could only give temporary
> relief.
> One day, I was happily sitting reading in my little pool of light in the
> night when I noticed how I was holding the paperback. I was using the
> left hand by itself to both hold the book up and hold it open with a
> slightly awkward and tense use of the fingers - for hours at a time. Doh!
> I took to holding my books quite differently, alternating hands, using
> both hands, changing my position, etc. All the problems went away
> I used to get a massage once a week. Now I'm amazingly lucky to live
> with a great massage therapist and get one every week. Aaaaaaahhh. I
> beleive it has a profound positive effect on my health.
> A. Relaxed Moose
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