Hi Chris,
> Why not calibrate her Mac?
It is, the LCD just isnt a good one :-(
Even using the miniVGA port and hooking up a 12 month
old Samsung 24", though it gives a better picture with a
wider contrast range, you still cant see the artifacts which
are easy to see on a CRT screen. The samsung is a spare
I keep around, originally bought it for myself except I found
out it has one resolution, and no electronics to massage
any other resolution, so its no good with a KVM switching
unit, unless everything has the same resolution, which then
makes it hard for the servers which need to be a lower
resolution so they can be access via VNC.
While my guitar gently weeps, I want a new Marshal head.
Ian Manners
Of course power tools and alcohol don't mix. Everyone knows power tools aren't
soluble in alcohol... -- Crazy Nigel
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