> The cat is a product of an arranged marriage between the female Blue
> Point Siamese who owned one of our friends in Brussels, and a male of
> the same breed whose human was paid a hefty stud fee by our friend. The
> result was a litter of four kittens; our friend kept one and gave the
> other 3 away, including Taco. During the first weeks the kittens were
> with their mother, by my wife and children visited daily to check on
> "our" kitty.
> During that interval, heated discussions arose between our two children
> concerning the name of "our" cat to be. One Saturday such a discussion
> was taking place during lunch. My wife had made tacos for lunch, and so
> I simply said that the cat's name would be Taco, and so it was.
Fair enough !
I must find out from my son why he called his dog Velcro.
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