Hi all,
From: AS <alizookoman@xxxxxxxxx>
>I want to take apart a 50mm lens which has stuck blades. Before jumping
into this I wanted to find out if lighter fluid is
>the catch all solution to fixing stuck blades.
It's a common solution, but I've used Methanol for the "several" blades I
cleaned in the past.
>I'll be working with a Canon FD 50 lens.
Is this the later bayonet version or a breechlock mount one? They're
somewhat weird. I have a Canon service video for it (the later one), let me
know if you need additional instructions.
From: "mes9120" <mes9120@xxxxxxx>
>None of the oil will evaporate with the solvent.
Yes, I don't think spraying the blades would be enough. The usual procedure
means taking apart the lens _and_ the diaphragm mechanism, and soaking the
individual blades in solvent. _Sometimes_ soaking the whole diaprhagm
mechanism will work, and you may save some time re-mounting the blades!
>Test any solvent you choose for residue, and do not
>get natural oil from your fingers (sebum) in the solvent.
>A cotton swab (Q-tip) is handy
>for absorbing the washings but lens tissue is less likely to leave fibers
It may help, yes.
>Sometimes there is no oil evident on a sluggish diaphragm because
>of the pivots has become gummy either by degradation of the lube or
>of dirt in the lube.
Or the linkage may cause problems even with clean blades and pivots.
Particularly, FD lenses have a complex linkage. I presume you already know
their irises are inoperative when unmounted on a camera: bayonet parts
should be moved to the "mounted" position, and then the iris will operate in
a similar way to the OM lenses -- keeps wide-open unless the lever is moved.
>I do not oil the pivots of diaphragms I have cleaned.
Neither did I.
>Do not apply solvents such as MEK, Acetone, or Alcohol to diaphragm blades.
This is interesting, since I always used Methanol. Or is this warning for
Ehtyl Alcohol only? Sorry, I'm very bad at Chemistry.
>Some blades are made of plastic and polar solvents may warp the blades.
>Plastic blades were used on some Agfa/Ansco 120 folders and probably
Then it doesn't seem to be an issue with (classic) SLR blades...
Cheers and good luck,
Carlos J. Santisteban Salinas
IES Turaniana (Roquetas de Mar, Almeria)
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