I know you meant to say "1 stop more"....
The sunny 16 rule itself is off by about a stop anyway here on the US east
coast due to atmospheric haze, smog, and latitude. (New York and Wash. DC).
Maybe Sunny 16 if you're shooting Aunt Mabel's 1957 Edsel sitting in the
driveway 20 feet in front of you on a full sun day, but for the moon that's
a lot of atmosphere and haze to shoot through. It's normally the Sunny 11
due to those factors. Probably other urban areas as well, I imagine. There's
also a lot more haze to shoot thru the lower the moon is in the sky, so
wait until its high overhead.
Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>The exposure guideline for the full moon (which is illuminated by full
>sun) is 1 stop less than the sunny 16 rule... call it moony 11?
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