You really are wrong to make a blanket statement such as that.
Most police departments I know never cease training. It continues in one
way or another forever.
There are certainly stars and there are duds in any profession. One of the
worst police officers I knew had three university degrees and kept looking
for the answers to every situation in black and white, which is impossible
in a job that is 80% grey area. Some of the best have little education. In
order to succeed in that job, what is required is a large dose of common
And most stories have two sides and when you bother to scratch the surface
instead of repeating a six second sound bite, the real story comes out. Not
to say that tragic mistakes don't happen, but many times there's another,
more understandable reason it occurred.
>>The real issue is that policing is a career that attracts, by and large,
>>grade and low calibre people and certainly not those with an under
>>degree level of capacity and intellect. Training is measured in only a
>>matter of months. It's the same the world over. In New York City not
>>ago a beat cop issued a ticket to a very elderly lady who stopped on the
>>unbusy steps to city hall to re-tie her shoe laces. She was charged with
>>causing a public disturbance. Here in Canada a couple of years ago four
>>five RCMP tasered to death a Polish immigrant at Vancouver airport who
>>done nothing more than pick up a desk sized paper stapler.
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