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Re: [OM] On Warts and all (was "film stuff from the holidays")

Subject: Re: [OM] On Warts and all (was "film stuff from the holidays")
From: Joel Wilcox <jfwilcox@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 18:46:48 -0600
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Possibly the only other camera I've seen that comes close to nailing the
> colors and contrasts the way I like without post-processing is the Canon 5D
> Classic.

Several people on list may be surprised to see this coming from you.
Another Red Letter Ken Day!

The 5Ds do hold their value.  I've given up trying to find one cheap,
even one with "cleaning marks" on the sensor.

> My brother sent me the files taken with the Nikon D300 of my Dad's wedding
> of which I incorporated in the album with all of the E-1 pictures which were
> used for the bulk of the pictures. We used his Nikon for the group shots
> where the extra resolution was thought to be better. (in the end, the final
> print size of the group shot was about 10 inches wide, so the E-1 would have
> sufficed perfectly. Anyway, the color differences between the cameras is
> night and day. You could get the skin tones to match and then the rest of
> the colors went berzerk or you could get the colors and contrast to match
> and the skintones looked like toothpaste.  Yes, it's partially "profiles",
> but the fact is the sensors see differently.

Here are two Isle Royale E-1 photos I recently resized.


I think I just went back to the TIF I had made and resized the web
image.  I can never be really sure about shades of green so I don't
fuss over them, but I was pleased with the pink of the flower petals,
as I know that was what drew me to the flower.

This one:


and the one following in the gallery capture that difficult light
lavender color exactly as I remember it.  Someone (Russ B.?) remarked
on the skewed lavender or blue colors in the DPreview review of the
E-620 that Jim C. posted (in a different context).

IIRC, when Jim posted the DP article it was focused on the Gradation
feature, which requires Studio to manipulate in raw development.  In
the section on color that Russ commented on, the review did not
indicate whether they were still using Studio or whether DP had
reverted to its MO of using ACR or PhaseOne to test color.  Very

I THINK these examples may illustrate the usefulness of Studio for
getting colors mapped "correctly."  For me they get at, especially the
first one, something I really like about the E-1 or possibly just
Olympus as a whole.  I'm probably just noticing it because I've now
got a monitor that's more equal to the task.

Both photos were made with the Z 90/2, which definitely has its own
"look" on an E.

> The 35 Shift is feeling kinda lonely.  ;)

Is it ready to come home, or did you have something else in mind?  <g>

Joel W.
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