Yep did spot it--haven't seen one in OM mount for almost 1 year. If you could
use the Way Back machine, would order one for $619 from Stephen Gandy at
Cameraquest in 2005. I was able to fine mine for 20% more NIB, but due to very
unlikely series of events with a Cosina tech running downtown in Tokyo to swipe
one off a store shelf.
Have seen Nik mounts go for 2K and Canyon for 1500 or so.
It is very very nice esp for shots at F5.6 or wider---nice bokeh indeed. One
can find some LoCA at 1:1 if you really try--more than the VivS1 90mm f2.5
with the matched 1:1 converter. The extra reach and much brighter VF are a
plus and it goes directly 1:1. At vulnerable speeds or high mag benefits from
Aperture pre-fire/MLU or shot filled bean bag---no tripod mount. At smaller
apertures at the same mag, quite close renditions with the Z. 135---not selling
I have a bunch of other examples (a couple on the Mirex T-S) but Zoto's SAN
has cratered again and haven't had a chance to switch them over yet. It may
take much longer now.
The scan was lousy but Moose took care of it.
One relatively recent shot:
Dawid says:
No, did you see THIS!
Now that's a beauty, I'd be very tempted if I didn't already have the
And weren't broke :-)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: