Some things about my Acer XP machine puzzle me. (40GB HDD)
I was down to about 500MB free space, so I saved 2 x 700 MB image files
to CDROM, and deleted them from the HD.
Winpatrol in this period also detected that Java was trying to upgrade my
computer, and since I know from past experience those downloads are
huge, I instructed Winpatrol to knock that one on the head. A Flash upgrade
was also denied. I have no use for Flash.
The machine now has 4.77 GB free !! Where on earth did it find that
space? What info have I lost?
Many thanks to Moose for the HD Tune link. A useful program.
I also have Aida32 which is immensely informative. I have no idea if it works
on later flavours of Winders. The talented author of this program was head-
hunted by Google or some-such a couple of years ago, so work on it has
ceased AFAIK.
Brian Swale.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: