Paul Laughlin wrote:
> The finches around here seem to have headed south. Mostly have House
> Sparrows and Juncos hanging around. A couple of Scrub Jays and, of course,
> the starlings,crows and pigeons.
I have a much milder climate here, and most birds that are here for the
summer, as opposed to those on their way further North, stay year 'round.
I think reliable high quality food can change some migration patterns. I
used to only see Townsend's Warblers Spring and Fall, but now have at
least one pair year 'round.
> I don't mind the squirrels too much. Kind of get a kick out of them.
I like them around and enjoy watching them. The birds knock a lot of
seed off onto the ground - especially since the squirrels chewer the
feeding holes bigger. So there's birds, juncos & towhees especially,
picking stuff up off the deck along with the squirrels.
> I like to give them a challenge, though. The current feeder is made of steel
> and glass and hangs from a 1/2 inch square steel pole hanger. The squirrel
> has to work to reach the feeder. One has jumped from the birdbath to the
> feeder a time or two. About 4 feet.
Do you have different, wimpier squirrels up there? Ours jump at least 8 get to the feeders. Even when they can't make it, they test their
ability occasionally. Odd to be looking out the window and have a
squirrel go flying by.
> ... I like to set up a camera at the window on a tripod. With AC power
> adapter, remote viewfinder using a DVD player and remote shutter, it works
> out pretty good.
I keep meaning to do something like that, but mostly, I just watch, then
occasionally run to get the camera and run back to miss the shot. :-)
No shortage of bird pics in the world, so I'm not denying anyone. ;-)
> ...
> Had a red breasted nuthatch hanging around last summer for a while. That is
> just about the quickest little guy I have ever seen. Would only stay for
> three or four pecks at the seeds and gone.
Try hanging a suet block away from the other action. I have them here,
but seldom see them at the seed feeder.. Close up, they "talk" in a low,
odd sort of mumble, quite endearing to see and hear a little family
eating and chatting together.
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