Back in the 1930s, Leica built a 73mm, f/1.9 Hektor for the screw-mount
Leica rangefinders. There were also a few 75mm lenses for RF cameras. I
never saw one at exactly 70mm, but I can get the same effect with a 35mm
mounted on my E-1. ;-)
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Norcutt" <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [OM] Olympus E-P1 + Zuiko 40 F2
>I think I've asked here before, why is 70mm such an orphan focal length?
> If one builds a set of lenses around a factor of 2X differences in
> focal length on can readily find 24, 50, 100, 200, and 400. If one does
> the same using 1.4X one can readily find 17/18(17.5), 24(25), 35, 50,
> 70, 100, 135(140), 200... oops! Umm, where is that 70mm lens that
> belongs in the sequence?
> Chuck Norcutt
> Ken Norton wrote:
>>> An interesting question. Gary Reese tested the 40/2 and found it low
>>> contrast and soft in the corners at f2. It sharpened up quite a bit at
>>> f2.8 Of course the 35-100/2 would run circles around it at 4omm and
>>> f2--but at bit of a high price.
>> And don't forget the size difference between the 40/2 and the 35-100/2.
>> Not
>> exactly a fair fight.
>> The 40/2, which is blasted near perfect with film somehow doesn't seem to
>> hold up quite as well with digital. It's still mighty fine (especially
>> the
>> bokeh), but hasn't been the ultra-lens that we'd hoped it would have been
>> on
>> digital.
>> I've been a fan of the the 50/1.8 and 50/1.4 on the E-thingies. When
>> stopped
>> down to F2.8, those two lenses seem to come into their own pretty well.
>> The
>> bokeh isn't as nice as the 40/2, but they have a nice edginess to the
>> images.
>> But if I had to pick my favorite film Zuiko in this range for placement
>> on
>> an E-thingy, I vote for the lowly 35/2.8. This lens performs quite well
>> wide-open for an equivalent of 70/2.8. Not shabby. Best thing about it is
>> the bokeh. The bokeh of this lens really is special--perhaps one of the
>> most
>> underrated lenses in the entire line-up. Unfortunately, 70mm equivalent
>> focal length is one of those unusable focal lengths as it is too long and
>> too short at the very same time.
>> OK, must spout off on one lens, though. The 35-80 F2.8 is absolutely
>> glorious on the E-thingies. But not small or lightweight. (or cheep).
>> AG
> --
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