You have the dream job of every red-blooded American boy: to blow things
up! Most of us only get to do such things surreptitiously in the woods when
the parents aren't watching.
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Mark Marr-Lyon <mark.marrlyon@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> This is basically what I do for a living at Los Alamos National
> Laboratory, except that the .22 bullet is usually a chunk of
> explosives and the flash is a large proton accelerator :-) The method
> you mention works because the delay between triggering the flash and
> the flash actually firing is quite small, certainly much less than a
> millisecond and probably in the 10's of microseconds. It doesn't work
> to trigger a mechanical shutter as in the original picture because the
> camera takes too long.
> I find it interesting that we also try to do essentially what is in
> the original photo - take radiographs of a gun projectile exiting the
> barrel and striking a target. Our difficulty doing this is not that
> the camera takes too long to fire but the opposite. The gun takes so
> much longer to fire than our usual experiments and there is too much
> variability in the timing of the gun itself that it is hard to
> synchronize the radiographs.
> Mark
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Charles Geilfuss
> <charles.geilfuss@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Some time ago I read an article on how to photograph a .22 bullet going
> > through a balloon, light bulb, etc. It was done in a fairly dark room, a
> > camera with the shutter open on Bulb and a low power standard flash (with
> a
> > flash duration of about 1/30,000 second). The key was using a cheap
> > microphone to send a signal to trigger the flash. You had to experiment a
> > bit to coordinate the time of the sound reaching the microphone and the
> > bullet reaching the target (or better yet, just having gone through the
> > target).
> --
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