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Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 15/12/2009: Nathan uses flash!!! Don't miss it, it

Subject: Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 15/12/2009: Nathan uses flash!!! Don't miss it, it is the first time in years!!!
From: "siddiq@xxxxxxx" <siddiq@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:15:33 -0800
On Dec 16, 2009, at 10:04 PM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:

> Since my M8 is still in Solms, I took the E3 instead; and since I do not have 
> any fast lenses for it, I resorted to GULP flash (the built-in one of course, 
> I could never dream of spending money on one of those contraptions).

Sorry if I’ve missed something earlier—but why not shoot w/o flash? Mostly wide 
shots, which even in kit/slow zooms, is no slower than f/4 and wide is easier 
to shoot at slower shutter speeds, if you were averse to going into the 
1600/3200 ISO range.
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