Richard Man wrote:
> Looking for Smaug :-)
> What good mountains in California and time of day have good mists?
If you are just looking for a soft, but fairly even, misty look, just
drive along the coastal mountains to the West of you on summer mornings
or evenings. This and a number of following shots in the gallery show
the fog from above, but it's easy enough to get down into it.
If you want bits of cloud hanging out among trees on steepish slopes,
the coast range provides that during winter storms. The range from South
of you down to Santa Cruz and North into Sonoma County can provide that
look between spates of serious rain when the clouds are low. I think
I've got some shots of that, but not sure where. You have to just wait
for the weather, get in the car and go look around. I remember some good
clouds on the way through the Forrestville area one winter.
Again in the winter, the Sierras often provide nice misty mountains, but
again, it's pot luck just when it may occur. In Yosemite Valley at the
end of April 2002, we hit all sorts of weather, from heavy, low overcast
and rain to bright sun. There were some good clouds hanging around in
the valley at times.
Pretty much the same things are true of the coast ranges, Cascades and
Olympics right on up into the top of Washington, but there are plenty of
opportunities closer to home.
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