Carlos J. Santisteban wrote:
> Umberto Eco's "La ricerca della lingua perfetta nella cultura europea" (The
> Search for the Perfect Language). Despite being _really_ interested in the
> matter, I couldn't stand such pedantic exhibition :-(
I've tried Eco, really, I have. I only made it a few pages into
Foucault's Pendulum before deciding that it was probably bad for my brain.
I made it quite a way into The Island of the Day Before. It had an
intriguing beginning and seemed to have potential, but then it bogged
down. The main thing that will lead me to abandon a novel is when I
realize I don't care how the story comes out and/or what happens to the
characters. That happened with this book.
I keep thinking I may try The Name of the Rose one day, but then again,
twice burned ...
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: