The requirements are clearly nonsense. However, they make good sense if
the stated size requirement of 110 cm is actually 110 mm (4.33")
instead. Then an image of 1024 pixels spanning 4.33" gives a resolution
of 236.5 pixels per inch which is well above the stated minimum of 80
ppi. 80 ppi is probably OK for screen viewing but would make a very
poor quality print. 236.5 ppi would make a good but not outstanding
print. I think there was a failure of proof reading.
Chuck Norcutt
Fernando Gonzalez Gentile wrote:
> Still not completely awake. :-(
> *_Wrote an error_*: required size in centimeters is 110 cm =
> 43.307086614173228346456692913386 inches (or
> 43,303333333333333333333333333349 as Nathan, Moose, Ken, Chuck rounded
> up, corrected from 120 to 110 cm.).
> Am I right so far?
> I'm pasting the requirements in Spanish, then I'll feed Google Translator.
> I was working on the 16bit .tif, still not considering the 1MB
> requirement - same as resolution, that's not an issue.
> Problem is that I cannot resize it to meet both 1024 px. _and_ 110 cm
> before downsampling to .jpg
> If specs cannot be met, that would be funny because requirements are
> established by one of the most important Banks in Europe. :-) :-) :-)
> I'm never sure if I'm dreaming or not, but we can discuss this later.
> Seriously.
> Just in case, I'm pasting as said:
> "Cada foto debe estar en formato .jpg, no pesar más de 1 MB y no medir
> más de 1024 px en su lado más grande.
> MUY IMPORTANTE: deberá tener calidad suficiente para su impresión.
> Para ello, es imprescindible que cumpla los siguientes requisitos
> técnicos: una calidad mínima de 80 d.p.i. a un tamaño de 110 cm en su
> lado más grande. Todas aquellas fotografías que no cumplan este
> requisito podrán ser rechazadas por la organización."
> And as Google translates:
> ·"Each photo should be in. Jpg, although not more than 1 MB and not
> measure more than 1024 px on its largest side.
> VERY IMPORTANT: It must have sufficient quality for printing. It is
> therefore imperative that meets the following technical requirements:
> a minimum quality of 80 dpi to a size of 110 cm at its largest side.
> All those pictures that do not meet this requirement may be rejected
> by the organization."
> Fernando.
> 2009/11/6 Fernando Gonzalez Gentile <fgnzalez@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> And no, I'm not smiling.
>> Perhaps because it's too late at night and I should be sleeping instead.
>> I'm facing a resize problem, both using CS3 or SIPro2.
>> .tif is at 4000 ppi, width 3,39 cm., height 2,28 cm. pixel dimensions:
>> width 5341, height 3594.
>> I'm required to resize it to with 120 cm. and 1024 pixels wide.
>> Resolution must be no less than 80 ppi - stubbornly I had been insisting
>> in 300 ppi.
>> But cannot solve this at 80 either.
>> TIA
>> Fernando.
>> ---------- yes, I should be sleeping since 3 hours ago.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: