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Re: [OM] Lightroom?

Subject: Re: [OM] Lightroom?
From: Donald <d1956m198d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2009 21:25:14 +0000
Jez Cunningham wrote:
> I'm gonna have a good look at pwp - but it's the organizing of those 15000+ 
> images more than pixel-level editing I'm looking for. Is it any good at that?
> Jez

I don't know if you got my reply to your last inquiry - it never showed 
up here.

I don't mind software being upgraded; technology moves on, after all. 
And Lightroom is reasonably priced, with free 'dot-version' upgrades. 
But for the bits of PS that I actually use the cost is outrageous. The 
cost may be outrageous anyway, but people pay it and it is a very 
complex program, so maybe I'm just cheap...

Lightroom does infringe on PS territory to a certain extent, but it is a 
program aimed squarely at photographers managing large numbers of 
digital images (however captured), and with a couple of basic additions 
would be all that I require.

I would say keystoning is the obvious missing link, but as I have said I 
have no idea of the programming overhead; it may take the program beyond 
the realms of manageability vis-a-vis non-destructive editing.


I'm a Mac, but I'm happy with my PC.

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