It is daft, indeed, Andrew. I've been caught by a fairly well hidden
camera, but I was more caught by the speed limit, 50mph on a dual
carriageway on the A12 to Colchester as it winds through trees.
But it was a fair cop; I should have been paying attention and I have
no sympathy for those who whinge about speed cameras.
On 29 Sep 2009, at 23:04, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> Hilarious! I was amused in the UK by how well indicated the speed
> cameras are and how visible too. Big yellow boxes and huge vans
> marked MOBILE SPEED CAMERA!!! I was told this was because EU human
> rights legislation required fair warning. No-one seemed to have told
> the French who hide cheerfully behind trees and so on - but then the
> French always had a certain insouciance. Here - unmarked car by the
> side of the road.
> Strange how these priorities get mixed.
> Andrew Fildes
> afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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