Ah, I was wondering when you'd stumble onto mister Alexander Lebedev.
He's somewhat notorious on this list for charging super high prices -
but he
has impressive stock, so if you have the cash, he's likely got it.
He's somehow almost managed to hoard all the 'good' stock (create a
kind of monopoly)
in an otherwise free market - weird eh? And John has had some bad
experiences with him.
I myself have actually once or twice bought from him, by making
reasonable "best offers"
which he had accepted, and have personally never had bad experience.
My 300mm f/4.5
is in brand new (mint+++) condition, and I got it for cheap.
On 23 Sep 2009, at 6:59 PM, DrT (George Themelis) wrote:
> I found his OlympusUSA seller ID in ebay.... He appears to have
> perfect
> feedback:
> http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=olympususa
> His asking prices are high but people are paying and apparently are
> very
> happy.
> George
> --
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