No panoramic nudes, eh? I guess we'll just have to await the other
kind. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
Andrew Fildes wrote:
> Nah mate - I passed on a Noblex (120 - 6x12 swing lens) the other
> day because filum is just so bloody tedious these days.
> And it was crap for shooting nudes. (Yup, honest, I tried! Couldn't
> get close focus).
> 24mp will do nicely for now.
> Velvia - that's a setting in the colour options innit?
> And as the the Technorama - that's not a panoramic, just a big
> letterbox.
> Andrew Fildes (I've been saving up grumpy).
> afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> On 19/09/2009, at 12:16 AM, Ken Norton wrote:
>> The following is from the zone-10 website article. Please note
>> that this
>> opinion is not universally shared, but the loudest critic is
>> currently on
>> vacation and Andrew is back, so maybe it will be a little more
>> accepted this
>> time. AG
>> option=com_content&task=view&id=446&Itemid=1
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: