This all reminds me of the Isle Royale Workshop. Bill brought with him a
VERY minty OM-2S. We're talking serious drool factor, here. I don't ever
recall mine ever looking that nice.
Anyway, Bill stepped away for a couple of minutes (probably to the One-Ply
Palace*) and when he returned his very minty OM-2S became a rather brassed
OM-2S. He goes to pick up the camera and this look of puzzlement crosses
his face. I'm not sure if the immediate reaction was horror or what, but
the response was worth the effort of swapping the camera straps. I think he
needed to make another trip back to One-Ply.
If I recall correctly, he had the 28/2 on it at the time and all equipment
left the island in the hands of its rightful owners.
* One-Ply Palace is also known as the closest non-pit toilet and had cheap
toilet paper. Two-Ply Palace was on the other side of the cove, but had the
nicer toilet paper. However, right across the trail from where we camped
there was a pit toilet which might have had two-ply paper, but nobody could
hold there breath long enough to find out.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: