Could be something as simple as dirty batteries, loose battery cap or
loose bottom cover screws. How long is the warranty on refurbished
product? The last 4T I brought to Olympus that definitely needed a
circuit, was swapped for a refurbed body. In much better condition but
warranty is only 90 days.
John Hermanson | CPS, Inc.
21 South Ln., Huntington NY 11743
631-424-2121 |
Olympus OM Service since 1977
Fernando Gonzalez Gentile wrote:
> Well, this made me lose about 6 RDPIII frames, and made me feel surprised.
> Short story: mirror locked up (camera with winder2, 300/4,5 mounted on
> tripod). I thought I had left the self-timer On, which I had - but it
> didn't beep. Put it back to its normal position but nothing happened,
> released the shutter using red 1/60. Meter was reading fine, battery
> checked bright and loud. Unmounted the winder (shorted its contacts,
> winder2 was Ok). Released next frame after metering the scene, mirror
> locked again. Mounted the Winder2, next shot fired Ok - wanted to repeat
> it but mirror locked again .... random failure I thought, and walked
> back home. Unwound the RDPIII at frame 15 and took it out. Unmounted
> again the winder2 and the 300/4,5. Checked winder2 again and mounted it,
> checked meter and released the shutter via winder2 ... a burst of frames
> :-). Mounted the 300/4,5 again: a burst of frames :-).
> Could I blame the memory clear button on the mount ring !? Pressed and
> released it with my finger several times: it beeped, but I'm not sure if
> it beeped when I had unmounted the 300. It's working Ok now, but ...
> what happened !? Or was it the self-timer, which I had left On ? More
> enigmatic is that it managed to trip the shutter once, while being
> failing before and after !.
> Suggestions ? This is the 4Ti I bought refurbished by Olympus America in
> auction at yabe some months ago, but have it since June only, and
> running my first roll through it.
> Fernando.
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