Well, this made me lose about 6 RDPIII frames, and made me feel surprised.
Short story: mirror locked up (camera with winder2, 300/4,5 mounted on
tripod). I thought I had left the self-timer On, which I had - but it
didn't beep. Put it back to its normal position but nothing happened,
released the shutter using red 1/60. Meter was reading fine, battery
checked bright and loud. Unmounted the winder (shorted its contacts,
winder2 was Ok). Released next frame after metering the scene, mirror
locked again. Mounted the Winder2, next shot fired Ok - wanted to repeat
it but mirror locked again .... random failure I thought, and walked
back home. Unwound the RDPIII at frame 15 and took it out. Unmounted
again the winder2 and the 300/4,5. Checked winder2 again and mounted it,
checked meter and released the shutter via winder2 ... a burst of frames
:-). Mounted the 300/4,5 again: a burst of frames :-).
Could I blame the memory clear button on the mount ring !? Pressed and
released it with my finger several times: it beeped, but I'm not sure if
it beeped when I had unmounted the 300. It's working Ok now, but ...
what happened !? Or was it the self-timer, which I had left On ? More
enigmatic is that it managed to trip the shutter once, while being
failing before and after !.
Suggestions ? This is the 4Ti I bought refurbished by Olympus America in
auction at yabe some months ago, but have it since June only, and
running my first roll through it.
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