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[OM] Make an offer, counteroffer and so on

Subject: [OM] Make an offer, counteroffer and so on
From: "DrT \(George Themelis\)" <drt-3d@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 22:17:31 -0400
Occassionally, I see an auction with some items of interest and a high
buy-it-now tag, plus "make offer".  I make a lowball offer, which reflects
how much I really want to pay.  Next thing I know, I get a counter offer,
close to the original full asking price and at this point I just move on. If
I really want the item, I might make a counter-counter offer.  Ebay lets you
play this game 3 times only.

Here was an auction with at T32 flash (rather worn) and various accessories
of interest, including a triple connector.  Things I can use.  The
"buy-it-now" was $120, plus "make offer". I make an offer for $50, expecting
the counter offer.  I was not going to offer more.  To my surprise, my offer
is accepted!  So for around $60 (with shipping) I got some more flash items
to play with.  It rarely happens for a first low offer to be accepted.
There are a few desperate sellers out there...


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