3Ti production code would be in little white letters in the film chamber.
John Hermanson | CPS, Inc.
21 South Ln., Huntington NY 11743
631-424-2121 | www.zuiko.com
Olympus OM Service since 1977
Gallery: www.zuiko.com/album/index.html
Piers Hemy wrote:
> Well, Lee's estimable website is missing one detail. The code on the camera
> back tells you only the date of manufacture of the back itself. The back
> (and the baseplate carrying the serial number) is freely interchangeable
> between all single-digit OM bodies, so it would be entirely possible for an
> OM-3Ti to have a back indicating manufacture in 1973 - that would have to be
> a Wyoming-plant prototype!
> Other factors would indicate how reliable the camera back code is in a
> particular case - it sounds like these "stack up" in the present case, but
> don't take everything at face value!
> Piers
> PS George, the Wyoming reference crops up from time to time - many years ago
> a seller on an auction site (not your favourite one!) offered am OM-10,
> described as an OM-1. On being asked to clarify the discrepancy, he
> explained that this was a special prototype from the otherwise secret
> Olympus plant in Wyoming. John Lind documented the story here:
> http://johnlind.tripod.com/omwyfactory.html
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Geilfuss [mailto:charles.geilfuss@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 19 August 2009 15:19
> To: Olympus Camera Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OM] Question: Early OM-1?
> DrT,
> I lifted this from Lee Hawkins website where he explains (courtesy of our
> own John Hermanson) the code under the pressure plate:
> How can I tell when my OM-{1(N), 2(N), 10} was assembled?
> The serial number on an Olympus camera does *not* give you a precise date of
> manufacture. The only way to tell is to remove the pressure plate and look
> for a code either on the back of the pressure plate or on the back itself
> behind the pressure plate.
> --snip
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