Two OM-4 dawn shots on Velvia here:
It wasn't too dark to think about metering, but I just let 'auto' do its
thing. But with very different results - just 5 frames apart (seems I
didn't digitise the intermediate frames)
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It was getting very dark out. The stars were becoming quite visible in all
> but the brightest part of the sky and even then there was a planet showing
> up there. I attempted to spot-meter the sky and used that meter reading for
> a few Velvia 100 shots. Knowing that I'd bump into reciprocity failure, I
> did bracket the shot +1 -1 exposure. I also attempted to determine
> exposure
> with the E-1. After a half-dozen or so pictures, I changed rolls and
> switched to Provia 100F. Each exposure was getting longer and longer and
> I'm now shooting wide-open with the 24/2.8. Exposure times were pushing and
> exceeding two minutes. While waiting for the camera, I thought things
> through and a couple items came to mind: Provia doesn't have a big problem
> with reciprocity failure under two minutes, but it does red-shift something
> fierce. I was concerned about blowing out the highlights, so I did dial in
> -2/3 exposure compensation as the averaged scene also included the
> blackened
> foreground and the deep sky up above. As it turned out, the non
> exposure-compensated shots were blown a bit as I expected.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: