You know what would be nice?
If John, or someone else, could build a stereo camera, based on two Olympus
OM-1 cameras. It should not be very hard, and there are plenty of
inexpensive camera bodies around to experiment with. I would personally pay
up to $2,000 of one such camera.
Others have made stereo cameras out of a variety of camera bodies of the
same era or later.
A German genius, name Fritz Ochotta, build stereo cameras based on the
following camera bodies: Yashica FXD, Yashica FX-103, Contax 139. You can
read more about this guy and see pictures of his cameras in my 3d blog:
He then taught the RBT company ( to make these Siamese stereo
cameras. RBT combined a number of cameras through the years. These include
the following SLR cameras:
- Yashica 108 bodies, Yashica/Contax (Y/C) mount
- Ricoh KR 10M, XR-X3000, XR-X3PF bodies, Pentax K mount
- Cosina Cs1 bodies, Pentax K mount
- Cosina FM10 bodies, Nikon F mount
And the following rangefinder cameras:
- Konica Hexar bodies, fixed 35mm f2.0 lenses
- Voigtlander Bessa R2, R2a, R2b, R3a bodies, Leica M mount
- Zeiss Icon bodies, Leica M mount
Some of these are still available for sale now.
I know of another person in the UK who made a stereo camera out of Minolta
X370 cameras.
So, let's see.... Yashica, Contax, Ricoh (Pentax mounts), Cosina (Pentax,
Nikon mounts), Minolta.... What is missing?
(also Canon, for some unknown reason)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: