Gimmick, but a cool market opportunity in an otherwise 'flooded' market.
I wish I had a projector back (basically containing a massively bright
cold light source) which I would stick on the back of my Linhof
Technorama 6x17cm
instead of the normal film back, to project 6x17cm slides (through the
camera and
same lens that took the image).
That must be magnificent. Even the humongous and rare Leitz
Epidiascope (there is actually
one for sale around here in an old camera shop) cannot project slides
of this dimension, it
only goes up to 4x5in.
This little nikon is the spiritual embodiment of this idea.
On 07 Aug 2009, at 2:46 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> <>
> Chuck Norcutt
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: