Thanks. I'll check it out.
Chuck Norcutt
Mike Lazzari wrote:
>> Can it be saved? If it can, what's the process and materials to be
>> used. Do I need to sand/grind off the potentially peeling layer to
>> solve both the chalking and cracking/potentially peeling problems? Can
>> I apply a new layer(s) just like paint... as long as I'm willing to can
>> the brushes between coats? Do I need to know if the original surface
>> resin is epoxy or polyurethane or acrylic or... whatever?
> Assuming it is a well made table and the laminate is of reasonable
> thickness to make the effort worthwhile just sand it down and tack
> cloth it off and apply a coat or two of gelcoat. The old layers won't
> peel if properly constructed. I wouldn't worry about getting all the
> crazing out as this isn't a boat hull and you won't be planning a
> circumnavigation on it. :-) For landlubbers I suggest a visit to the
> nearest RV or truck canopy place for supplies and advice.
> <>
> Mike
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