Yeah! Just like Olympus said 0.4 deg sensor tilt is within their factory
specification of E-3.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Norcutt"
> What's most disturbing to me is that I expect that the QC on "L" lenses
> is probably very good meaning that the identified "duds" are actually
> within spec. The Z 21s probably are too.
> Chuck Norcutt
> usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
>> Ha! You are quite right they won't send a random sample of 5. I
>> always worry that the QC/sample variability is an elephant standing in
>> the room. Way TOO many reports of dud Canyon 24-105 f4IS "L lenses and
>> even a cursory look into the Canyon 300 f4IS "L" results in one
>> concluding that many dogs leave the factory.
>> Of course a vocal tiny burned minority can make much noise these days.
>> Mike Hatem of course found some significant wider aperture
>> performance variability in the Z. 21 f2's, but none were dogs per se. I
>> suspect high quality pol's might be difficult to manufacture and some
>> measure of the index of dispersion in performance for a given brand
>> would be very useful.
>> We'll probably never see it. I'd bet the incidence a undeserved red
>> dot being applied is very small.
>> Mike
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