I forgot to mention, that's a 7MP image on a full frame sensor. f/16 on
a 4/3 sensor gets you only 2MP. Small sensor cameras require good
lenses that can perform well at larger apertures.
Chuck Norcutt
Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> As I said earlier, if you can display or print without ressing-up the
> image then you didn't need the resolution that you sacrificed to f/16 by
> not shooting at f/11. If you shoot at f/16 you've still got a 7MP
> image. Better than an E1 and almost as good as any digital camera up
> until the last couple of years. Furthermore, to make it painfully
> evident that you'd lost the resolution you'd probably have to shoot one
> of AG's USAF line charts. :-)
> Dr. Focus
> usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
>> I'll have to don my "I agree with Moose" t-shirt once again. Went
>> trough a similiar process. When I thought the dof was borderline at
>> F11 and was fortunate enough to bracket the aperture, the increased dof
>> for the shots at F16 alwyas trumped the mild diffraction softening.
>> Perhaps there are situtrations where that is not true but if you need
>> the dof , the smaller aperture seems to trump the diffraction by quite
>> a bit. Perhaps Dr. focus et al. could explain why.
>> A more careful to bracket, Mike
>> For me, for this subject and many of the thinks I
>> photograph, DOF is more important.
>> F16 and be there Moose
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